$440.00 inc GST


Inspired by a photo I came across of the toilets at legendary NYC  punk venue CBGBs.

We’ve all had the experience of heading out to a music venue &  necking too many beers because you’re over excited to see your fave band live.

With a bursting bladder and a fear of missing one song in the set, you wade into the insalubrious, dank lavatories, hoping not to get your piss on your shoes, little known anyone else’s.

Dim lighting, de-hinged toilet doors….no toilet doors, leaking taps, smashed vanities, no ventilation, a horrible humidity hangs heavy.

Your olfactory system is sending nasty messages to your stomach.

You hold your breath, get the job done & leg it out of there trying to forget you ever set a damp sneaker in that horrific space.


Waercolour& ink on paper

560mm (width) x 385mm (height) x 2.5mm (depth)